Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Memorial Day Weekend 2007

We spent Memorial Day weekend at the Baltimore Yacht Club...Enjoying the pool and hanging out on the pier.

Caleb and Katrina came over with Matt to spend some time on the boat and in the pool.

Dave played the part of Elvis for the Saturday night pier decoration contest.

Elvis poses in front of B Pier's great decorations. Their take on the "Las Vegas" theme for the club's opening day weekend was Elvis' Love Me Tender wedding chapel. Dave of course enjoyed playing the king so much he then proceeded to wear the costume to dinner in the clubhouse. He was quite a hit.

Peggy and Kacy enjoyed watching the "weddings".

Elvis "marries" Ken and Peggy, with the assistance of two B Pier bridesmaids.

Katrina finally got up the nerve to pose with Elvis but only if she could wear the sunglasses.

Elvis with Libby, Kacy and Peggy.

Dave's first catch at BYC, a catfish.

Caleb's first catch, yes it's another catfish.

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