Monday, June 25, 2007

Our first Maryland BBQ

We hosted our first Baltimore BBQ this past Saturday. A lot of our Maryland/Virginia friends came. John Scot Wolfe (with mom and dad Amy and Dustin) led the parade. Kacy was very excited to hang out with John Scot again.
Becca Glaser came with her dad, Andy and mom, Leslie.

More babies...John Scot with mom Amy, and Jack Mansolillo with mom Shelley.

Ms. Katrina having a bite to eat.

Matt and Amy Gehring brought Jack and Kacy matching Hawaiian outfits back from their honeymoon in May. They of course looked very cute.
Kacy enjoyed visiting with Erin V.

Shelley and John Scot.

Dave got a new set of golf clubs from his friends for his 30th birthday. Matt shows Caleb how to hit the ball with one of the clubs.
Caleb seems pleased with his first hit.

Perhaps we should have a contest for the caption under this photo, a la Maxim magazine's monthly contest.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Weekend at Baltimore Yacht Club

Matt, Caleb, Katrina, Dave, Grandma and Grandpa took the boat out for a quick spin on Saturday.
Jack Mansolillo and his mom Shelley came to hang out at the club on Saturday also. It was Jack's first time in a pool.

A rear view of Kacy and Jack.

Chris Dew came to play on Saturday...Here he is with Jack.

Kacy modeling her new bathing suit on Sunday.

Kacy really loves her crab floatie...

Caleb getting his swim on.

Enjoying the pool with Grandma.

Our bobber, aka Kacy. She has a bit of growing to do in this infant lifevest. We took a boat ride with everyone over to Fairley's Creek on the Eastern Shore for some swimming.

Kacy wasn't so into swimming in the Chesapeake on first pass. She was very tired despite a quick nap on the ride over.

Katrina deciding if she wants to go for a swim.

Matt perfecting his cannon ball.

Dave taking a dive off the side of the boat.

Grandpa at the helm of his boat.

Kacy's 2nd try in the Chesapeake, after a decent nap. She loved dad's emergency whistle.

Caleb and Katrina on "the hill" at the club.

Kacy and mom.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Our weekend in Stamford

We went to Connecticut this weekend to celebrate Chris Maduri and Brooke Tomack's wedding. The rehearsal dinner was in Port Chester, New York on June 9th. Here are the bride- and groom-to-be.
The Maduris--Mike, Pete, Donna and Chris.

The Tomack girls--Taylor, Brooke and Cyd.

Dave and Brooke.

Kacy and Libby were able to run over to Melissa McGovern's baby shower in Norwalk for a bit on Sunday before the wedding. Kacy always likes seeing her Melissa, and can't wait to meet Ms. Reilly sometime in August!

Melissa and her mom, hostess with the mostess, Joann Miller.

We also got to meet Isabella Rose Porco, who was 3 weeks old.

Sunday, June 10th--the big day. Chris and Brooke Maduri's wedding at Luca's in Greenwich. Here the happy couple shows off their fancy footwork.

Michelle and Mike Tomlin.

Mr. and Mrs. Maduri.

Dana Maybo and Mike Maduri.

Mike Maduri and Dave took their groomsmen duties very seriously.

Tomlin gets a bit friendly with the bride.

Dave and Tomlin with the groom.

Chris certainly looks very mischevious but no cake was smeared on Brooke's face.

Michelle and Libby.

We aren't sure if Tomlin and Kristin Fisher should try out for Dancing with the Stars, So You Think You Can Dance, or try and get "Dirty Dancing 3" into production.