Monday, June 25, 2007

Our first Maryland BBQ

We hosted our first Baltimore BBQ this past Saturday. A lot of our Maryland/Virginia friends came. John Scot Wolfe (with mom and dad Amy and Dustin) led the parade. Kacy was very excited to hang out with John Scot again.
Becca Glaser came with her dad, Andy and mom, Leslie.

More babies...John Scot with mom Amy, and Jack Mansolillo with mom Shelley.

Ms. Katrina having a bite to eat.

Matt and Amy Gehring brought Jack and Kacy matching Hawaiian outfits back from their honeymoon in May. They of course looked very cute.
Kacy enjoyed visiting with Erin V.

Shelley and John Scot.

Dave got a new set of golf clubs from his friends for his 30th birthday. Matt shows Caleb how to hit the ball with one of the clubs.
Caleb seems pleased with his first hit.

Perhaps we should have a contest for the caption under this photo, a la Maxim magazine's monthly contest.

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