Thursday, March 27, 2008

Cruise Day 7--One Last Day at Sea

Almost home...

Our assistant waiter, Titi, bringing out the Baked Alaska at our final dinner.

It was a great cruise...thanks to Ken and Peggy for inviting us and to Matt and Mary for making us laugh...

Cruise Day 6--Relaxing at Sea

We spent a day at sea on Friday, making our way back up the coast of Mexico towards San Diego. It was a great day for watching for whales, seals and dolphins (all of which I saw from our balcony!!) as we passed by Cabo San Lucas. Unfortunately, I didn't have my camera. Fortunately, we have video. I will get that up when I can.

Pretty sunset.

The traditional champagne toast after our second formal night.

Cool cats.

Cruise Day 5--Puerto Vallarta: Shopping and More Guacamole

Our third port of call was Puerto Vallarta. Most of the gang was done with laying in the sun so we decided to do some serious retail therapy and exploring instead.

The sand sculptures along the beach were amazing.

We came across this performance...not sure quite what to call it. But they played a flute while coming down the pole in maypole-style.

The famous seahorse statue.

Some of the Mexican beaded artwork.

Matt in a tree.

Hitting the vendors, ready to bargain.

Dave was muy happy with the 2-for-1 mango margaritas he got at lunch.

Giddy up, cowgirl.

Dave keeping watch outside Senor Frog's.

Dave showing off his purchases of the day. Of course he had to get the Ravens blanket. He has been told it has to be worn at at least one tailgate this fall.

Cruise Day 4--Mazatlan

We woke up on Wednesday in Mazatlan. We had rented a boat to take us out for the day, hoping to snorkel. The water was freezing (this verdict came from the two who did the Polar Bear Plunge in January, so we took their word that the water was chilly) so that was not going to happen.

We did come upon some seals...

We got a "taxi" ride from our boat to a small beach on Deer Island. Some of us laid out, others went exploring.

Matt, Dave and I went to Senor Frogs for lunch. Matt was very excited to join the congo line, which made its way around the restaurant, dance floor, kitchen and ladies room.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Cruise Day 3--Cabo Wabo and Squid

On the way down, we had great sunrises from our room...

Heading in to Cabo San Lucas on Tuesday morning.
We rented a fishing boat for a half-day excursion. It was too rough to go out fishing for the big stuff, so we stuck close to the famous "keyhole" and were not disappointed.

Almost immediately we started getting hits. And it was constant.

What's Mary working so hard to bring in?

Squid. Lots of squid. About 20 at least.

Not the prettiest fish in the sea to say the least.

A good shot of the keyhole.

We moved to the outside of the keyhole for a bit and right away a yellowfin tuna hit. Dave reeled it in and got intimate for a moment.

A shot of our cruise ship from the fishing boat.

We decided to take a break from fishing (the girls' arms were smoked; those squid were heavy!!) and went looking for whales. We saw one or two...alas not quick enough to get a picture. However, we also ran into a pod of dolphins who we kept up with for a bit. It was amazing.

Back on solid ground for a bit, we explored Cabo.

Mary in front of the marina.

We decided to stop for a bite to eat at, of all places, El Squid Roe. We of course had calamari.
At left is a photo of our waiter, who made us our first (of quite a few) bowls of guacamole. This is where the cruise takes on its nickname "Guacamole Express". We ate it whenever we could in port.

Dave and Mary exploring the restaurant/bar.

Finally, we make it to the mecca of Cabo these days, Cabo Wabo Cantina.

Back on the boat and leaving port.